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Flinders Ranges Painting Trip 2025

Come join me for 13 day (12 nights) painting trip to the magnificent Flinders Ranges.  Paint some of the most beautiful scenery that Australia has to offer with like minded artists in a relaxed friendly environment.  During this trip we will venture into several areas considered ‘gems’ of the Flinders Ranges, where you are encouraged to paint or just enjoy the experience.  Partners and non artists are welcome as there is plenty to be enjoyed by everyone.  There will be several opportunities to paint most days (excluding travel days).  Advanced artists and those who have painted a little will benefit from solid tuition and demonstrations in the outdoors and critiques held in the comfort of indoors.

We will be travelling from Melbourne to Renmark, where we spend the night and then onto Gum Creek Station in the Flinders Ranges for eight days.  The next stop is the gorgeous, historic Hahndorf where we will spend some time painting around Hans Heysen’s Studio.  After two nights in Hahndorf we will break the drive by staying one night in beautiful Halls Gap then head back to Melbourne.

Trip Highlights

  • Solid tuition, demonstrations and critiques by award winning artist Ben Winspear
  • Exquisite scenery painting in nature daily (excludes travel days)
  • Enjoy painting at Bunyeroo Gorge and Brachina Gorge
  • Visit to Wilpena Pound and opportunity paint
  • Site seeing and painting at Appealina Mine
  • Paint at the historic mining town Blinman
  • Two nights in the picturesque, historic town Hahndorf
  • Artistic Tour of Hans Heysen’s Studio
  • Private Tour of Hans Heysen’s House and Studio
  • Painting on Hans Heysen’s Property
  • Meals together at Prairie Hotel, Parachilna and Hahndorf
  • Camaraderie of like-minded people

Flinders Trip Dates for 2025

 29th April  – 12th May 2025

  • 29th April Depart Melbourne – arrive Renmark/1 night stay
  • 30th April Renmark to Gum Creek Station/8 night’s stay
  •  8th May travel to Hahndorf/2 night’s stay
  • 10th May travel from Hahndorf to Halls Gap/1 night stay
  • 11th May Halls Gap – back to Melbourne.

$ 4295.00   full ticket
$ 3695.00   partners/no tuition

A Non-Refundable deposit is due as soon as possible to secure your place:
$500.00     full ticket
$250.00     partners/no tuition

Final payment is due by 31st March 2025


  • Tuition, demonstrations and critiques by Ben Winspear
  • Bus Travel for 13 days/12 nights returning Melbourne
  • Accommodation in Renmark/1 night
  • Accommodation in Gum Creek Station/8 nights
  • Accommodation in Hahndorf 2/nights
  • All meals whist in Willow Springs inc. dinner at Prairie Hotel
  • Artistic Tour of Hans Heysen’s Studio
  • Historical Tour of Hans Heysen’s Studio
  • Dinner in Hahndorf together

Terms and Conditions
Please read the Terms and Conditions before making payment.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation must be in writing to ben@benwinspearart.com  Please note deposits are non refundable. 
If the trip is cancelled due to State or Federal Government Covid-19 policies.  A full refund will be given.   See Terms and Conditions for more information.

Travel Insurance

Please source your own travel insurance that might include cover for cancellation, sickness etc.

How to make a Booking

Book your tickets by contacting Ben on 0427505793 or at ben@benwinspearart.com

Places are limited so I advise you to book and pay your deposit early to secure your place. Please note deposits are non refundable.

Once you have booked,  further instructions with a more comprehensive schedule, materials list etc. will be sent to you. I am very excited about ‘getting away from it all’ and immersing ourselves in the glorious colours of the Flinders Ranges – hope to see you there!

Ben Winspear

Flinders Ranges – Frequently Ask Questions

Q 1. What will the weather be like?
As we get further from Melbourne the weather will become warmer.  During March the weather in the Flinders Ranges can be varied.  Very warm days are likely, although it cools down at night but can still remain warm.

Q 2. What is the Accomodation like?
Accommodation will be clean and comfortable throughout the trip.  Single rooms are available in Renmark and Hahndorf.

Q 3. Can I arrange alternative Accomodation?
No, as the camaraderie is such a positive feature of the trip as we paint, eat and hang out together, engaging in many great informal discussions; I do not want anyone to miss out. Although our location remains set on occasions the schedule will change due to weather, learning needs etc. We need to stay as a cohesive group with no-one feeling left behind.

Q 4. Can I have a room to myself?
We will certainly do our best to accommodate your needs.  Single rooms are available in Renmark and Hahndorf.  At Gum Creek Station we are in the Shearer’s Quarters’ which is mostly shared accommodation, but you can choose who you share with in most cases.  There is a separation for males and females (not applicable to couples). It is our aim to allocate couples their own room.

Q 5. Is there something for my partner to do as they are not an artist?
Yes, absolutely! The area has many activities for non artists. I can suggest site seeing, photography, sitting with a book, walking, to name a few ideas.  It really is a beautiful part of our big country that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Q 6. Can I come to only part of the trip?
No, there is quite a bit of travelling to get to our destinations.

Q 7.   What meals should I expect?
This trip gives a unique opportunity to experience life in remote parts of Australia.  When in Gum Creek Station we will be having some fun with cooking for ourselves.  All food for our meals is of course on hand and we will have some fun cooking together.

Q 8. What if I have dietary requirements?
This is not a problem. Please liaise with myself  if you have specific needs. Please do this as soon as you can as food is ordered several weeks beforehand.

Q 9. Is alcohol allowe
Yes, in moderation of course. Each evening a glass of wine can be enjoyed with or after dinner as we sit around and talk about art.

Q 10. What art supplies should I bring?
See the materials list provided (once payment is made).  A simple well functioning set up is desirable.

Q11. I don’t paint using oils, so will there be any tuition for me?
Yes, I tutor in oils, watercolour and pastel. The tuition I offer during this trip is applicable to any medium with a strong emphasis on drawing and painting in all mediums. There is always opportunity to ask questions at any time regardless of your preferred medium as I teach the solid principles of creating good art.

Q12.  How much luggage can I bring?
Please consolidate your luggage as much as possible.  Each person is allocated space for one average sized suitcase, one carry bag, handbag, wet painting carrier, a tripod and pochard box. To be advised.

Tickets are available:
Book your tickets by contacting Ben on 0427505793 or at ben@benwinspearart.com


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